Sunday, April 27, 2014


Morning thunder storm
aroused from languid half-sleep
I nestled against your warmth
but found only cool crisp sheets

the thunder also passed by

Monday, January 27, 2014

Another (somewhat) about snow

The wind warned snow by
morning, white, calm, and perfect
from my bedroom window
the storm didn't look so bad

until sleet changed our forecast 

One more rumination on the underlying hazard of beautiful, pure, sacred, cherished, white... 

I did mention that tanka is almost always about relationships, right?

Snow, but ice

Brilliant and artful
the snow blankets our landscape
even careful steps find ice
upon which I slipped into
beauty and was bruised by pain.

It's been awhile and a lot has happened. 

I've been making metaphorical sketches of nature things that strike me as analogies, but haven't taken much time to flesh them out. This is one that I've been working on for a few days. 

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Colorado Christmas

draping lights under
a moon shrouded by snow clouds
I ponder mountain winters
that I have never known
except in travel brochures

a mist of snow clouds
veils the moon, lights the lake with
a silvery luster
defines the darkened landscape
without making anything clear

Monday, September 2, 2013

Sept 2, 2013

I planted new flowers in August
six weeks before frost time
it seemed like the right time
the summer had dried up the spring
and it was time for fresh color in my soul

Notes: A tanka in form if not syllable count. <shrugs> Sometimes they come out this way; fast and obvious but not perfectly formed.  
August was the start of school... now the reader has context. 

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Creativity education

Lately, I've been paying attention to the creative process. Since tanka has been part of it, this NPR report had particular interest this morning. A lot of what Pinsky talks about can apply specifically to tanka, but in general to anyone who writes. Poetry or not.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

July 28, 2013

This Sunday morning 
soft rain intones misgivings
about today’s talk
my heart flutters in fear
and the creek is running full.